Our Programs


Personal Coaching

Suitable for those with:

  • Movement restrictions or injury recovery (scoliosis, Parkinson’s, sciatica, post- or pre-surgery, or any physical injuries or restrictions)

  • Fear of movement or need to reclaim confidence in movement

  • Specific strength goal or skill

Depending on your needs, or where you are in your movement journey, you will experience the best of every coach at Breakfree Movement.

Sign up for a Movement Assessment here.

Private Group Training

Suitable for families, kids or a group of likeminded friends who would like to train and play together!

Corporate Teambuilding

Foster meaningful relationships with co-workers, through strategic, cooperative and competitive task-based movement and play!


Group Programs


Group Personalised Programs

Train towards a movement goal in a group class setting, with a program personalised to your start point. Your commitment to progress is our priority. Weekly classes and open practice sessions available for every program.

Organic Strength

Develop bodyweight strength in the basic patterns of push, pull, squat and hinge and progress into more complex skills, such as push-up, pull-up, muscle-up, handstand, and pistol squat.

MovNat Conditioning

“Body transformation the natural way”. Build capacity and efficiency in natural movement skills that translate to everyday, practical strength.



Rehab and prehab training, to restore movement dysfunction and prevent injury through body awareness and mobility drills.


Heal, prevent and diminish future injuries through a variety of gentle movement flow, joint articulations, coordinations and movement riddles.

MovNat Play

Our signature class! Apply strength skills and recapture the child in you with cooperative and competitive play through a range of task-based activities.



Give your child a safe space to play and learn with others for increased emotional and neurological development, as well as practical, physical skills for everyday life!